
  • Crime news: Does quantity matter?

    Crime news: Does quantity matter?

    Content analysis of newspaper crime reporting.

    Although newspapers have been struggling to maintain reporting muscle, crime and criminal justice content continues to be a staple of local coverage, according to our study commissioned by the Center on Media, Crime and Justice (CMCJ) at John Jay College.

    Center on Media, Crime and Justice


Dailey, R., Granholm, N., & Woodard, C. (2017, March 24). Beyond the 38: A look at the life and vision of Dr. Elden Lawrence. Presented at the annual meeting of the Upper Midwest Regional Honors Conference (UMRHC), South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD.

Dailey, R., Husic, B., Larsen, K., Liu, Y., Mubashir, H., & Swanson, N. (2017, March 24). #YouAreWelcomeHere. Presented at the annual meeting of the Upper Midwest Regional Honors Conference (UMRHC), South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD.

Dailey,R., & Wuellner, M. (2017, March 25). The Wicked Problem of Land Conservation: An Experiential Learning Project. Presented at the annual meeting of the Upper Midwest Regional Honors Conference (UMRHC), South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD.

Wuellner, M., & Dailey, R. (2017, March 24). When and How to ‘Fail’ at Experimental Honors Teaching. Presented at the annual meeting of the Upper Midwest Regional Honors Conference (UMRHC), South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD.

Dailey, R., Huber, M., & DeJong, J. (2017, March 24).The Matter of the Message and the Messages that Mattered: Media & the 2016 Presidential Election. Presented at the annual meeting of the Upper Midwest Regional Honors Conference (UMRHC), South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD.

Biel, D., Dailey, R., Hauschild-Mork, M., & Ragsdale, A. (2017, February 21). The Harvey Dunn feminine images project. Presented at the SDSU Sewrey Faculty Colloquium.

Dailey, R., Dailey, J., & Lingle, A. (2016, October 15). “You’re an honors student?” Attitudes experienced by honors students from non-honors students. Presented at the annual meeting of the National Collegiate Honors Conference (NCHC), Seattle, WA.

Dailey, R., Dailey, J., & Lingle, A. (2016, October 15). “You’re an honors student?” Attitudes experienced by honors students from non-honors students. Presented at the National Collegiate Honors Conference (NCHC), Seattle, WA.

Wenger, D., Dailey, R., & Limor, H. (2016, September 19). Career coach: What you need to be a top teacher.  Presented at the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) conference, New Orleans, LA.

Dailey, R., Boraas, M., Dailey, J., & Kapperman, A. (2016, April). Nerds on film: How intelligent people are portrayed in the Movies. Presented at the annual meeting of the Upper Midwest Regional Honors Conference (UMRHC), Scott Community College, Bettendorf, IA.

  • UMRHC showcases scholastic work in the area of honors education from 84 honors programs in Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. The region is an affiliate of the National Collegiate Honors Council.

Dailey, R., Boraas, M., Dailey, J., & Kapperman, A. (2016, April). “You’re an honors student?” Attitudes experienced by honors students from non-honors students. Presented at the annual meeting of the Upper Midwest Regional Honors Conference (UMRHC), Scott Community College, Bettendorf, IA.

Turk, J. (2015, August). The Status of Women in Communication. Study presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), San Francisco, CA.

  • Research associate for broadcast communication portion of study (10%).
    • AEJMC is a nonprofit, educational association of journalism and mass communication educators, students and media professionals. The Association’s mission is to promote the highest possible standards for journalism and mass communication education, to cultivate the widest possible range of communication research, to encourage the implementation of a multi-cultural society in the classroom and curriculum, and to defend and maintain freedom of communication in an effort to achieve better professional practice and a better informed public.

Dailey, R. & Granholm, N. (2015, March). The Dakota Conflict through the perspective of the ‘Peace Seekers.’ Presented at the annual meeting of the Upper Midwest Regional Honors Conference (UMRHC), Mankato UM, MN.

Dailey, R. (2014, October). Social marketing for health and behavioral change. Roundtable presented at the annual meeting of the National Society for Experiential Education (NSEE), Baltimore, MD.

  • NSEE is a nonprofit membership association of educators, businesses, and community leaders that serves as a national resource center for the development and improvement of experiential education programs nationwide.

Chang, K., Elliot, L., Sand, S., & Dailey, R. (2014, July). Beef or chicken? A study of the generation-x and millennial consumers’ meat choice, with an emphasis on the impacts of social media outlets and nutrition information. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEE), Minneapolis, MN.

  • AAEA is a not-for-profit association serving the professional interests of members working in agricultural and broadly related fields of applied economics. Members of the AAEA are employed by academic or government institutions, as well as in industry and not-for-profit organizations, and engage in a variety of teaching, research, and extension/outreach activities.

Dailey, R. (2014, July 8). Best practices for web content creation. Presented to the South Dakota Rural Electric Association (SDREA).

  • SDREA is devoted to unifying, promoting and protecting the interests of member electric cooperatives in South Dakota by providing leadership, training, communication, legislative representation and other member services.

Dailey, R. (2013, October 22). Writing for the web: How to be an effective communicator for the digital audience. Presented at the SDSU Extension Fall Conference.

  • SDSU Extension is South Dakota’s source of un-biased, vetted, and relevant new knowledge generated from research. As a cornerstone of SDSU’s land-grant university mission, SDSU Extension empowers citizens to be more competitive in a growing global economy through education and technical training or assistance.

Conference Papers

Dailey, R. (2015, March). Honors Educators and Academic Identity. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Upper Midwest Regional Honors Conference (UMRHC), Mankato, MN.

  • UMRHC showcases scholastic work in the area of honors education from 84 honors programs in Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. The region is an affiliate of the National Collegiate Honors Council.

Dailey, R. (2015, November). Honors Educators and Academic Identity. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Collegiate Honors Council (NCHC), Chicago, IL.

  • NCHC is a professional association of undergraduate honors programs, colleges, directors, deans, faculty, staff, and students. NCHC has 1,342 members in the United States and abroad, providing support for institutions and individuals to develop and expand honors education.

Dailey, R. (2014, August). Competency-based education: Is it the future of journalism? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), Montreal, Canada.

  • AEJMC is a nonprofit, educational association of journalism and mass communication educators, students and media professionals. The Association’s mission is to promote the highest possible standards for journalism and mass communication education, to cultivate the widest possible range of communication research, to encourage the implementation of a multi-cultural society in the classroom and curriculum, and to defend and maintain freedom of communication in an effort to achieve better professional practice and a better informed public.